Sunday 29 January 2017

Luminara Unduli, Jedi Master - 2002 Star Wars Saga Series

Cloaked in dark robes - Luminara Unduli is a female Jedi master noted for her tranquil beauty and most disciplined presence. Her striking blue eyes punctuate her angular face - and intricate - diamond-shaped tattoos decorate her chin. After returning from a mission to Ansion - Luminara and her Padawan Barriss Offe must contend with Count Dooku's massive armies in a full-scale battle on the red rock planet Geonosis.

Luminara comes with a blast deflection effect (red plastic) to attach to her light sabre.

1st version had an unpainted necklace, this one has a painted necklac.

Sunday 15 January 2017

Queen Amidala Coruscant 1999

The queen is wearing one of her most resplendent costumes

Natalie Portman - The Phantom Menace

Sunday 8 January 2017

Sunday 1 January 2017