Monday 27 November 2017

Who is that Skiff Guard? Lando Calrission 1983 ROTJ

Calrissian joined the Rebel Alliance and set out to find Solo. After locating him in the palace of Jabba the Hutt on Tatooine, Calrissian aided in his rescue whilst being disguised as a Skiff Guard.

Date stamped 1982

  • Removable Helmet
  • Force Pike (Vibro Axe)

Saturday 25 November 2017

Zuckuss (4-LOM) 1981 - ESB

While Zuckuss and 4-LOM are now quite well-known to fans, their proper names were initially a topic of considerable debate. When Kenner first produced the figures, the names somehow got reversed. But since these two bounty hunters were not identified in the film, the switch was not immediately noticed. When the mix-up was finally caught and corrected in 1989, Zuckuss and 4-LOM finally got their rightful identities.
Zuckuss was a male Gand who worked as a bounty hunter during the Galactic Civil War. Shortly after the Battle of Yavin, Zuckuss, along with Black Krrsantan, IG-90, Dengar, Chanath Cha, Beebox and C-21 Highsinger, was hired by Darth Vader to find and return Doctor Aphra, who had been captured by the Rebel Alliance.
After the Battle of Hoth, he was once again hired by Vader, this time to hunt down the Millennium Falcon and capture her passengers alive. However, the passengers were soon found and captured by the Empire on Cloud City, with help from Boba Fett.

  • Zukuss Blaster Rifle
  • Soft-goods Cloak
  • Breathing Apparatus / Backpack

Every collection has a stormtrooper, (Imperial) Stormtrooper 1978 SW ANH

Originally named Stormtrooper , the name on the card changed to Imperial Stormtrooper for figures released on The Power of the Force card backs.

The head and torso was one mold so the trooper had to move his whole body to look in different directions.

Though all vintage figures have minor variations, the only major variation is the hard to come by Japanese Takara version, which, though in a similar stance, is an entirely different sculpt. It is easiest to spot by looking at the head (See blue image above). Also of interest with the Takara version, is the bolt on the figure's back, see below, not unlike the See-Threepio (C-3PO) or Death Star Droid figures.

  • Imperial Blaster

Friday 17 November 2017

Tamashii Nations Movie Realization Figures (Bandai)

The word “tamashii” is Japanese for spirit or soul and in this instance; it tries to imbue Bandai’s various toy lines with something more than just plastic and diecast. The Tamashii Nations is like a premium label aimed at collectors.

Hasbro Vintage Collection 2018

Hasbro announced the characters for the first wave at the recent Hascon event. They are Scavenger Rey, Kylo Ren and a First Order Stormtrooper all from The Force Awakens. A Hoth Rebel Soldier from The Empire Strikes Back and Jyn Urso from Rogue One. The first wave will be available in Spring 2018.

Check out the images below:

High detail figures with 5POA
Also a Rogue One Imperial Tank and Pilot is promised

Get saving your well earned cash for Spring 2018. 

Tuesday 14 November 2017

Prune Face (aka Orrimaarko) 1984 ESB

Orrimaarko, known to many as simply Prune Face, was a Dressellian resistance fighter and a key figure in the liberation of his homeworld, Dressel. He was xenophobic, particularly toward Humans, and when the Empire subjugated Dressel around 10 BBY, he and his fellows took up arms and fought back, becoming masters of guerrilla tactics. Aided by their allies, the more technologically sophisticated Bothans, who provided them with advanced weaponry and mercenary training, a Dressellian rebellion was formed with Orrimaarko at its helm, effectively fending off the Empire. They became embroiled in a war lasting over a decade, which mostly occurred at small engagements in the planet's dense forests.

Known as Prune Face for his good looks, he is a noted leader of the Dressellian race.

  • Rifle
  • Light tan cloak

Dengar The Bounty Hunter 1980

Based on his appearance on the Executor in The Empire Strikes Back.
He has a blue blaster rifle.

This guy looks as bad as he feels I think....

As seen in The Empire Strikes Back.

  • Rifle

Bespin Security Guard - Black Guard 1981 / White Guard 1980

Also known as Cloud Police or Bespin Wing Guard.
The white security guard has many mustache variations.

  • Bespin Blaster

Rebel Soldier Hoth Battle Gear 1980

The Battle of Hoth was a major battle fought in 3 ABY and was considered a major victory for the Galactic Empire and the single worst battlefield defeat suffered by the Rebel Alliance during the Galactic Civil War. The battle was an Imperial invasion aimed at destroying the Rebel Alliance's Echo Base hidden on the remote ice world Hoth.

This soldier needed a good clean as it looked as if I had left him in the mud. You can see his paint job around  the legs has deteriorated and has good movement in his limbs.

  • Blue Blaster

AT-AT Driver 1980 ESB

Although described as a AT-AT Driver this figure could also be known as a Imperial Army Pilot as his broader role included piloting many of the different armoured vehicles.

  • Laser Rifle

FX-7 Medical Droid 1980 ESB

10 Swivel Arms, Pull-out neck, Rotatable Head;

FX-7 was a medical assistant droid who served the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the Galactic Civil War. While on the planet Hoth at Echo Base, FX-7 assisted 2-1B when curing Luke Skywalker with bacta treatment who was injured by a wampa.

See-Threepio C-3PO 1978 SW ANH

Date Stamp: 1977
First Wave post Early Bird Certificate Package

C-3PO was a popular figure, he had 5POA and a gold plated finish (in this figure he has a lot of scars and bruises). Kenner used a process of vacuum metalising - a method that applied a thin layer of chrome to a figure - cutting edge technology for the time.

For some reason he is painted black around the midriff 😊, actually he could do with a re-plate.

Walrus Man 1978 SW ANH

Although we know this figure as Walrus Man his actual name is Ponda Baba (aka Sawkee)
An ill tempered pirate/smuggler.

This figure has loose limbs and the paint around his mouth isn't too good, he must have seen a lot of action.

  • Blaster

Han Solo Hoth Battle Gear 1980 ESB

The rogue smuggler turned rebel hero keeps his word as he helps the Rebellion to set up their secret base on the remote ice planet of Hoth.

Variations can be found in different body molds, belts, hands and leg colours.

  • Blue Blaster

Squid Head (aka Tessek) 1983 ESB

Coming from the planet Dac (also known as Mon Calamari by off worlders) the Quarren are sentient aquatics that inhabit their planets ocean covered surface.

He has conflicting loyalties and was once a supporter of the Republic.

He worked for Jabba the Hutt as a book keeper, he can be seen in Jabba's Palace behind Luke to the left.

Restoring this one, he has cleaned up very well and now has a new skirt and continue to look for a replacement cloak and belt.

  • Blaster
  • Tan cloak
  • Cream skirt
  • Grey belt