Saturday 5 May 2018

4-LOM (Zuckuss) 1982 ESB

While 4-LOM and Zuckuss are now quite well-known to fans, their proper names were initially a topic of considerable debate. When Kenner first produced the figures, the names somehow got reversed. But since these two bounty hunters were not identified in the film, the switch was not immediately noticed. When the mix-up as finally caught and corrected in 1989, Zuckuss and 4-LOM finally got their rightful identities.

  • Blaster Rifle

Wednesday 2 May 2018

Luke Skywalker A New Hope 1977

Date Stamp: 1977
Release: 1978

Don't call me "Farmboy". Luke Skywalker was available for purchase by two methods. There was the single carded version with an image of him on the box and also the early bird certificate package.
The action figure had a few different variants. the differences were in the hair colour. Arguably most common was the yellow blonde hair variant. there were also grey, hazelnut and brown haired variants.  Came with only one accessory:the yellow telescoping light-saber. A rare version of this light-saber is called the double telescoping light-saber.