Friday 7 October 2016

Max Rebo Band ft Joh Yowza 1998

The Max Rebo Band was a 12-member band that played at Jabba the Hutt's palace on the planet Tatooine around four years after the Battle of Yavin. The band played the song "Jedi Rocks" for the Hutt and his court, which Jabba demanded be played again.[1] During the second performance however, Jabba interrupted the band by dropping his slave dancer Oola into the rancor pit below his throne room, where she was devoured.

Here we have a number of members that first arrived in 2 packs as part of the POTF2 series in 1998.

Left to right: Sy Snootles, Barquin D'an, Doda Bodanawieedo, Max and his Organ, Droopy McCool and Joh Yowza

Music from the band

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