Friday 22 December 2017

My Vintage Collection 1977-85 - Where the collection is up to!

The collection is far from complete, its not even half way complete. I'll be searching out the remaining figures and beginning the new collection of vintage figures from April 2018. Most figures are now photographed and on here.

As the site suggests most of the figures have seen some action in their lifetimes so are not in MOC condition, they are played with however the figures have now retired and are displayed and look fantastic. The main reason for collecting them is nostalgia, the vintage figures are from my childhood, they are what was used to create moments from the films.

There were 115 figures released between 77 and 85 excluding variations etc.
There are a couple of variations in the collection, Obi-Wan with grey and white hair, Lando with and without a smile. The emphasis is on one of each figure to be displayed.

Focus will be on hunting down the missing figures from the first 21 released (21backs) 1977-78:

Missing from the first 12;
  • R2-D2
  • Jawa
  • Death Star Commander
Missing from the next 9;
  • Greedo
  • Luke Skywalker X-Wing Pilot
  • Power Droid
  • R5-D4
  • Snaggletooth
  • Boba Fett
Hopefully I can hunt these down over the next few months. Then focus will turn to the rest of the figures that are missing up to 1985.

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